Dionex Releases AutoTrace Instrument Application Briefs and Application Notes

10 Mar 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Dionex Corporation is pleased to announce the availability of 14 Application Briefs and Application Notes for the AutoTrace® SPE instrument.

Application Briefs 801, 802, 803, 805, 806, 807, 812, 813, 875, 876, and 877, and Application Notes 808, 810, and 811 are now available online as PDFs. The Application Briefs discuss the automated Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) of analytes, such as endocrine disruptors, acid herbicides, triclosan, dioxins, furans, nitrosamines, steroids, phytoestrogens, Urons, amphetamines, antibiotics, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, petroleum hydro-carbons in waster, surface, and drinking waters.

The Application Notes cover several US EPA Methods, such as Application Note 808 discusses the US EPA Method 529, the determination of explosives and related compounds in drinking water; Application Note 810 covers the US EPA Method 527, the determination of pesticides and flame retardants in drinking water; and Application Note 811 covers the US EPA Method 549.2, the determination of Diquat in drinking and finished drinking water sources.

The AutoTrace instrument is used with large volume (100 mL–2 L) samples for the isolation of trace organics in water or aqueous matrices and saves time, solvent, and labor, ensuring high reproducibility and productivity for analytical laboratories. The unit processes up to six samples in
2–3 h with only 15 min of operator involvement; uses powerful pumps (no check valves), and a proven positive pressure technology to efficiently process even the most difficult samples. Current analytical methods that may require SPE sample preparation include GC, GC-MS, LC, and LC-MS.

