Direct Ionization System on Display at analytica

9 Apr 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Protea Biosciences Group, Inc. will be presenting the LAESI DP-1000 system at analytica this year. Visit Hall A3, Booth 541 to see how the LAESI DP-1000 is revolutionizing mass spectrometry imaging and high-throughput workflows.

The LAESI DP-1000 Direct Ionization System uses the natural properties of biological samples to enable the identification, characterization, profiling, and quantitation of biomolecules by mass spectrometry with no or minimal sample preparation. Performing extraction/ ionization at ambient pressure, LAESI DP-1000 allows mass spectrometry investigation to all vacuum-incompatible samples. Used in both 2D and 3D imaging investigations as well as with open-well plate analysis, the LAESI DP-1000 offers new opportunities in bio-analytics, eliminating complicated and time consuming sample preparation steps while simultaneously giving scientists direct access to biomolecules from tissues, living cells and colonies. Used in the fields of biomarker discovery, pharmacokinetics studies and in-vivo/ vitro toxicological screening, LAESI DP-1000 provides unparalleled information that facilitates drug discovery and development.

The LAESI DP-1000 changes the way scientists approach biomolecule analysis. Using this technology, it is possible to directly look into what is happening inside a biological system, examining the molecules where they are and as they are in nature. LAESI DP-1000 facilitates biologists to better understand the biodynamics of cell cultures and living colonies and provides biochemists the opportunity to analyze distribution profiles of metabolites in a tissue. The process itself offers unparalleled speed to the mass spec workflows, allowing scientists to truly see beyond experimental expectations.

