Discover the Latest in Metabolite Analysis

New Products, Videos and Application Notes

17 Jun 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

Discover new products, videos and application notes in this exclusive round-up

1. INDUSTRY NEWS: SCIEX and Hepregen Announce Co-Marketing Agreement for Comprehensive Metabolite Identification Solution
SCIEX and Hepregen Corporation have announced a Co-Marketing Agreement to deliver a new metabolite identification (Met ID) solution for drug metabolism scientists. This solution provides an extensive view into in vitro data to enable researchers to generate, identify and analyze metabolites in one simple workflow. More information

2. VIDEO: The Vion IMS QTof Mass Spectrometer from Waters
In this video, learn more about the Vion™ IMS Q-Tof™ Mass Spectrometer from Waters. This mass spectrometer brings high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry and ion mobility separation to routine analyses, making it ideal for metabolite identification. Watch video

3. NEW PRODUCT: New-Generation System from Thermo Fisher Scientific Redefines Performance for GC-MS Applications
The new Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap GC-MS/MS instrument represents the first-ever commercial system offering a combination of gas chromatography and HRAM Orbitrap mass spectrometry. It offers scientists fast, predictable GC separations and an increased ability to profile entire metabolomes. More information

4. APPLICATION NOTE: Novel Bioluminescent Cell Metabolism Assays Integration with HP D300 Digital Dispenser and Tecan Gas Controlled Module Equipped Infinite M200 Pro Reader
This application note describes the integration of Tecan/Hewlett Packard instrumentation capabilities with two of Promega’s recently developed assays targeting cell metabolism applications, the Bioluminescence Live Cell Viability Assay and the NAD(P)/NAD(P)H Detection Assays. Download application note

5. APPLICATION NOTE: Interrogating Gynecological Cancer Cell Metabolisms at Different Oxygen Tensions: Results Using a Novel Modified Atmosphere Handling System
This poster illustrates a method for the metabolic profiling of gynecological cancer cell lines using a Seahorse Bioscience XFe96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer and a novel workstation from Don Whitley Scientific, which enables analysis to be performed under hypoxic conditions, as well as air. Download poster

6. APPLICATION NOTE: Use of Perfused 3D Models for Cytotoxicity and Metabolism Studies
This poster illustrates a method for the metabolic profiling of gynecological cancer cell lines using a Seahorse Bioscience XFe96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer and a novel workstation from Don Whitley Scientific, which enables analysis to be performed under hypoxic conditions, as well as air. Download poster

7. APPLICATION NOTE: Metabolic Phenotyping Using Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography-MS
This application note reports an APGC-TOF MSE profiling approach and its application to metabolic fingerprinting of Arabidopsis using the Waters SYNAPT® G2-S HDMS® Mass Spectrometer and APGC System. Atmospheric pressure GC (APGC) is a soft chemical ionization technique that generates a mass spectrum, in which there is minimal fragmentation and conservation of the molecular ion. Download application note

8. VIDEO: Metabolomic Analysis of Skin Lesions for Melanoma by Mass Spectrometry
In this video, Michael Costanzo, a Research Assistant at the University of Florida, summarizes a presentation about research into metabolomic analysis of skin lesions for melanoma by mass spectrometry. Along with his co-authors, the team shared their research involving the discovery of biological markers at the earliest possible stage of cancer progression. Learn how the accurate mass capabilities of the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap can improve the identification of metabolomic biomarkers. Watch video

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