Discuss the Future of Lab Medicine at the 30th IFBLS World Congress in Berlin
7 Aug 2012
Respected leaders of the clinical laboratory community will deliver an inspiring look into the future of laboratory medicine at a Labs Are Vital-sponsored workshop, to be delivered as part of the main conference programme at the International Federation of Biomedical Science (IFBLS) 30th World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science.
The congress is to be hosted by the Deutscher Verband Technischer Assistentinnen/Assistenten in der Medizin e.V (dvta), and more than 600 delegates are expected in Berlin between 18-22 August. More details about the event, which will take place on 20 August from 2:30 – 4pm, and the complete program can be found at: http://www.ifbls-dvta2012.com
The first two presentations will be given by the current Presidents of IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine) and ASCP (American Society for Clinical Pathology) - Dr Graham Beastall and C. Bruce Alexander, MD, respectively. They will highlight evidencing the value that laboratory medicine adds to healthcare, and ensuring the appropriate utilisation of lab tests. In the final presentation, Prof. Dr. med Georg Hoffman will explore the theme: ‘The future of laboratory medicine – what will we be paid for?’.
Dr Beastall said: “I am really looking forward to meeting the delegates in Berlin, we have some great workshop material to share, and it is an important time for us all to be focusing on these issues. When I started in laboratory medicine, we were seen as diagnosing disease. That was usually what we did. Most often from a basement where nobody could come and see us. But now, the laboratory is involved in identifying risk factors and symptoms, evaluating response, determining appropriate therapy. So laboratory medicine really is being recognised as part of the multi-disciplinary team at the heart of patient care. That’s where we should be!”
To find out more about the Labs Are Vital initiative, follow the company website link below – see you in Berlin!