Döhler Euro Citrus installs second Malvern Mastersizer 2000 - for beverage QC
11 Jun 2006
Following successful long term experience with the Malvern Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyzer in research and development applications, Döhler Euro Citrus (Darmstadt, Germany) has installed a second Mastersizer 2000 for use in the company’s quality control department.
The Döhler Group is a leading, international producer of fruit juice concentrates and blends, compounds, basic ingredients, flavours, emulsions and colourings for the beverage, dairy and ice cream industries. The decision to purchase a second Mastersizer 2000 was based on its proven flexibility for R&D applications, combined with the ease and safety with which it could be further applied in QC. Method transferability and comparability of results were also important factors in making the choice.
A laser-diffraction based system, the Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyzer offers a comprehensive range of sample dispersion accessories and an autosampler, allowing analysis of a wide variety of both wet and dry samples. It can measure particle size over an extremely broad range from 0.02 to 2000 microns, achieved using a patented dual-wavelength optical system that allows the entire measurement range to be accessed without changes to the instrument configuration.
The hardware and software designs of the Mastersizer 2000 provide a high degree of flexibility and deliver the analysis options required in R& D. Developed methods can be stored and later applied with just a ‘single click’ operation, making the system ideal for QC applications. Software-driven Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) ensure straightforward operation, allowing the Mastersizer 2000 to be used with minimal training. They simplify method development for global method transfer, and minimize operator intervention and hence variability.