E-WorkBook goes global with CDCO

5 Dec 2007

IDBS is pleased to announce that the Centre for Drug Candidate Optimisation (CDCO), Monash University, has licensed the E-WorkBook Suite to centralise their research data. This is the first sale of the E-WorkBook Suite in Australia.

As a collaborative research centre within the Victorian College of Pharmacy at Monash University, the CDCO sought an application for the capture of both chemical and biological data generated by physiochemical and ADME studies of novel drug candidates. Providing discipline-specific extensions for handling the different data types generated, the E-WorkBook Suite provides one integrated framework for research data management throughout an entire organisation.

Susan Charman, Director at the CDCO, commented: "We were previously using traditional lab notebooks and wanted an electronic method of capturing, protecting and standardising data and reports. E-WorkBook's flexible design means that it can be applied across multiple disciplines, supporting the capture of diverse research data and knowledge within one secure environment." She added: "IDBS' E-WorkBook Suite provides us with a tool to enable easy and secure data recording, storage and retrieval within the CDCO, which will, in turn, lead to improved efficiency and enhanced decision making."

Neil Kipling, founder and CEO of IDBS, commented: "With over 3,500 users worldwide, the CDCO is the latest organisation to recognise the significant value of using our E-WorkBook Suite. Our single framework approach, with domain-specific extensions, exactly maps the workflow that the CDCO and many other organisations are adopting." He added: "It is deeply gratifying to know that research organisations worldwide recognise the value of our solutions."

