Editor's Highlights for AACC 2017 Clinical Lab Expo

SelectScience will be providing full event reporting from the AACC 2017 Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo in San Diego

24 Jul 2017
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead
The 69th AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo will be held in San Diego from July 30–August 3 Image credit: PDPhotos © Pixabay

The American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting is an action packed five days, offering opportunities to learn about the latest developments in clinical science from July 30 – August 3. Plenary sessions will feature advances is CRISPR and the future of genome engineering; antibiotic resistance; treating substance abuse and addiction; preserving fertility in cancer patients; and genomic sequencing.

More than 750 exhibitors will be highlighting the very latest diagnostic technology, covering topics such as molecular diagnostics, mobile health, mass spectrometry, automation and point-of-care.

SelectScience® will be providing pre-, during- and post-show event coverage. It's free to become a member of SelectScience®, sign up today and receive all of the highlights from the conference directly to your inbox. The AACC has given SelectScience® a sneak peek at the most exciting sessions from the conference:

AACC Session Highlights

New Frontiers in Genomics

  • Session 11001: CRISPR Biology, Technology & Ethics: The Future of Genome Engineering, Sunday, July 30, 5–6:30 p.m.

  • Session 13001: Beyond Sequencing: New Frontiers in Genomics, Tuesday, August 1, 8:45–10:15 a.m.


  • Session 12001: Oncofertility: From Bench to Bedside to Babies, Monday, July 31, 8:45–10:15 a.m.

Public Health

  • Session 14001: Antibiotic Resistance: A Public Health Crisis, Wednesday, August 2, 8:45–10:15 a.m.

  • Session 15001: Modern, Effective Care for Substance Use Disorders: Findings From the 2016 Surgeon General’s Facing Addiction Report, Thursday, August 3, 8:45–10:15 a.m.

Digital Health Revolution

  • Session 32227: A Q&A With Qualcomm Tricorder XPrize Finalists, Monday, July 31, 4:30–6 p.m.

Become a member of SelectScience® free of charge to receive event interviews, news and videos directly to your inbox

Visit the AACC 2017 Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo event website to learn more

