Edman Sequencer for Cost Effective N-Terminal Protein Sequencing

29 Nov 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Providing a simple and robust solution for many laboratories, protein sequencing utilizing automated Edman degradation chemistry remains a vital method of producing unambiguous data on biopharmaceutical or biochemical materials. An Edman sequencer, such as Shimadzu’s PPSQ series instrument, is ideal for producing N-Terminal Sequencing information for proteins and peptides and is less complex to use than many alternative mass spectrometry-based techniques.

Shimadzu’s PPSQ series achieves simplicity and reliability in the automatic determination of amino acid sequences by employing HPLC analysis coupled with high sensitivity detection and new acquisition/analysis software. N-Terminal sequencing is a key part of the ICH Q6B guidelines for characterization and confirmation of biopharmaceuticals for new marketing applications. The PPSQ Series has been specifically developed to simplify the generation of customized reports for information relating to estimated sequences and yield rates which can be displayed in graphical form to enable users to select amino acids for their calculations.

Ideal for QA applications in biopharmaceutical and biochemistry companies, the Shimadzu PPSQ series is also well suited for university departments looking to run protein sequencing studies.

“Shimadzu is the only company producing a fully supported Edman Sequencing solution now that Applied Biosystems has discontinued its Procise Edman Sequencer globally,” explained Stuart Phillips, Shimadzu UK’s LC/LCMS Business Manager. “If any UK company still requires an Edman sequencer service then Shimadzu UK’s PPSQ Series is the only proven solution in production capable of performing Edman N-Terminal sequencing.”

“A further benefit is that the PPSQ Series offers cost savings of up to 50 percent compared with the Procise system. Add to that the PPSQ’s simplified operation enables better reproducibility coupled with better baseline stability and you simply have a winning combination.”

By using Shimadzu’s HPLC, the PPSQ series protein sequencers are able to separate PTH-amino acids isocratically which improves baseline stability to allow high-sensitivity analysis of PTH-amino acids. Isocratic sequence analysis provides more stable retention times. Analysis in isocratic mode allows eluents to be recycled, which reduces the amount of mobile phase required and reduces waste disposal rates and in turn leads to significant cost savings.

The PPSQ series’ software features control functions for the reaction unit and HPLC, enabling easier sequence analysis of proteins and peptides. Easy-to-use data analysis functions simplify the reprocessing of chromatograms as well as the overlaying of multiple chromatograms which all helps in the automatic estimation of amino acid sequences.
