Efficient removal of high & low boiling solvent mixtures

28 Nov 2006

Genevac, world leader in solvent removal technologies, has introduced Auto-Defrost and Drain as an option to improve the efficiency and drying effectiveness of its HT-4X, HT-8, HT-12 and HT-24 centrifugal evaporation systems.

The unique Auto-Defrost and Drain facility enables Genevac evaporators to automatically drain the condenser of volatile solvent(s) between stages in a method, and at the end of a method to fully defrost and drain the system with no user interaction. In this way volatile solvents that boil off first and are collected in the condenser can simply be removed. To then remove higher boiling solvents Genevac evaporators with Auto-Defrost and Drain are able to quickly achieve the lower pressures required without the traditional problem of volatile solvent boiling out of the condenser spoiling the vacuum. Vacuum spoiling is well known to affect the final dryness of samples, or where high and low boiling solvents (e.g. DMSO or DMF with dichloromethane) are mixed to completely stop removal of the higher boiling solvents.

To overcome these problems, until now, a user would be required to be present to manually drain the condenser after the volatile solvents had been removed. With Auto-Defrost and Drain - applications requiring removal of mixed solvents with differing boiling points, such as Lyophilisation or evaporation of HPLC fractions, can now be carried out automatically enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the evaporation process. An additional benefit of the Auto-Defrost and Drain function is to automatically defrost and drain the evaporator at the end of the method, so that it is ready for use the next time.

