ELGA® LabWater Strengthens its Sustainability Commitment

25 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

ELGA LabWater, global laboratory water brand of Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, the world’s leading water technology and service company has announced its Sustainability Commitment, an ambitious effort aimed at reducing the company’s environmental impact through innovative product development and design and long-term operational efficiencies.

“ELGA is part of one of the world’s largest environmental organizations so we have always understood our responsibility to the environment…” comments Nora IKENE, Managing Director of ELGA “…Our product development process ensures equal importance is placed on sustainability as well as product performance”
ELGA’s award winning product range, the PURELAB® flex is a great example of ELGA’s Sustainability Commitment. The PURELAB flex was developed to use less consumables and power over the lifetime of the product and when replacement is due all the materials are fully recyclable. On average ELGA products use 5% less power and significant reductions in waste water have been made: up to 12% over the lifetime of a product.

ELGA’s Sustainability Commitment encompasses a range of activities and programs focused on reducing the company’s use of non-renewable resources, eliminating waste and adopting behavioural changes that support long-term environmental sustainability.

Some of ELGA’s programs have been underway at the company’s manufacturing facilities for many years. “Our manufacturing facilities were certified to ISO 14001, a voluntary environmental standard, years ago,” said John JOHNSTON, Head of Manufacturing and Carbon Footprint Champion for ELGA. “We’ve already seen sizable CO2 reductions in distribution methods and product packing”.

Further supporting ELGA’s commitment each component of an ELGA product has been assessed to ensure that all ELGA’s customers can receive a lifetime carbon value for their products. “This makes it easier for our customers to make informed choices which fit with their own sustainability agendas” said John JOHNSTON.

