Enhanced US Support for Microplate Sample Concentration Systems
7 Oct 2014
Porvair Sciences, a world leader in applications optimised microplates and microplate equipment has appointed SPEware Corporation (Baldwin Park, CA) as its exclusive partner for supporting and servicing its UltraVap, MiniVap and UltraVap Mistral microplate sample concentration systems.
Steve Knight, Sales & Marketing Director at Porvair Sciences commented "We have seen US demand for affordable 96-well and 384-well microplate sample concentration systems grow considerably over the last few years. To enhance local informed support to this rapidly growing community of US customers we have turned to our well established US distribution partner - SPEware Corporation".
He added "SPEware Corporation brings over 20-years’ experience of sample preparation to the laboratory using solid phase extraction (SPE) and phospholipid removal/protein crash products, all paired with Positive Pressure Processors and Automation. This knowledge has helped them to establish Porvair's MiniVap, UltraVap and most recently UltraVap Mistral microplate sample concentrator range in the USA".
Drawing upon Porvair’s market leading position in nitrogen blow down microplate sample concentration – the recently launched UltraVap Mistral offers a simple, turnkey solution for integrating an automatic dry down step into your automated liquid handling protocol. The UltraVap Mistral is fully optimised to work with robotic liquid handling systems from suppliers including Beckman, Hamilton and Tecan and features a “shuttle” design capable of serving and retrieving microplates to and from the robot deck without further need for off-deck handling.