Entry level parallel sample concentrator..

23 May 2006
Kerry Parker

Genevac, leader in solvent removal technology, reports on the significant operational benefits of their highly affordable miVac sample concentrator compared to systems using the 'blowdown' technique for concentration of samples in parallel.

Removing solvent by blowing inert gas into open sample vessels - blowdown systems often operate at 60C or more to concentrate samples faster. For laboratories looking to concentrate samples that may thermally degrade, vacuum concentrators such as the miVac reduce the temperature of the solvents being concentrated therefore samples are always kept cool and safe. Unlike 'open-access' blowdown systems that often have no means of preventing sample splashing during concentration - miVac vacuum concentrators completely eliminate the dangers of sample cross-contamination. For many laboratories dissolution of samples in low boiling solvents is not always an option, to efficiently remove water and higher boiling solvents vacuum concentration is widely accepted as the only effective method. Increasing environmental concerns are making venting of removed solvents to the atmosphere unacceptable. In conjunction with the highly efficient SpeedTrap the miVac vacuum concentrator is able to recover almost all removed solvents.

The miVac concentrator range has been designed to meet the requirements for safe and rapid drying at a highly affordable price. Featuring capacity from six to twenty stacked shallow-well microplates or 48 to 200 micro centrifuge tubes of 1.5ml size - miVac concentrators are able to operate effectively even in high throughput environments. Each system features an LCD display with digital controls enabling programming of time and temperature. Requiring only electricity to operate the running costs of a miVac concentrator are very low.

