Environmental analysis lab products reviewed by our scientists

From pesticide testing to wastewater analysis, whatever your environmental analysis involves, find reviews of lab products that could supplement your research

7 Dec 2022
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor

Choosing the right lab equipment can be a complex decision. That’s why SelectScience® lab product reviews can be a valuable tool, enabling you to make an informed choice and hear what other scientists involved in environmental analysis have to say about the lab products they use.

We’ve pulled together some reviews on essential laboratory instrumentation for environmental research that could benefit your laboratory’s workflows. From pesticide residues and contamination to waste water testing and imaging, find out what kind of experiences other lab manager, researchers and laboratory technicians have had with these products.

Enviro-Clean® Universal Cartridges by UCT, Inc.

"I've been using this product for years without any issues. Results are reproducible and accurate, Great product." Eduardo Morales, Weck Laboratories.

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Biotage® Horizon 3100 by Biotage

"Result for the oil and grease analyses have become more accurate since we bought the instrument and analysts' work more trustworthy." David de Hita, Servicios de la Comarca de Pamplona, SA.

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PAL Smart SPME Arrow by CTC Analytics AG

"We use the SPME Arrow for taste and odor analysis. It produces very reproducible results and is robust. Typically lasts for 600 injections or longer." Stephanie Rider, NYC Department of Environmental Protection.

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Zetasizer Nano ZS by Malvern Panalytical

"This analyzer is very helpful in drinking water treatment operation. It helps the operators to adjust the coagulant dosage in just few minutes. It is user friendly. It was running for 6 years without major maintenance, and it is still gives very reliable results" Lilian Nguyen, City of Houston.

FlowCam 8000 by Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies

"Absolutely love the FlowCam for phytoplankton monitoring - much faster than using a traditional microscope for counting, etc. Also means that every daily flow run can be saved which means you can go back to old runs from past years/months etc. Very easy to use the machine - would recommend using the FlowCam university which helps you understand how to use the instrument/tips for analysis."Hannah Bloomer, Scottish Sea Farms.

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ultraWAVE by Milestone

"Completely break down samples such as animal feeds and animal source foods so they are ready for heavy metal and essential elemental analysis. ultraWAVE microwave digestion system decreased digestion times, due to the use of closed vessels made of chemically inert materials and direct heating of sample solution, resulted in significantly higher sample throughput from our recent trends." Gutema Idesa, VDFACA.

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