Essential technology for sub-ppm mass accuracy and high-resolution untargeted metabolomics

Join us, Friday, October 23, to explore key technologies for sample prep, method development, and metabolomics projects in medical research

7 Oct 2020
Tom Casburn
Associate Editor
Dr. Chris Petucci, University of Pennsylvania

In this webinar, Dr. Chris Petucci will provide an overview of the University of Pennsylvania Metabolomics Core and how it performs targeted and untargeted LC/MS metabolomics for internal and external research investigators and industry.

One of the platform’s key enabling technologies for in-depth understanding of biological pathways in disease and biomarker discovery is the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap ID-X™ Tribrid™ mass spectrometer.

Examples of sample preparation, LC/MS method development, and untargeted metabolomics projects in medical research will be presented to illustrate the power of the Orbitrap ID-X mass spectrometer.

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This webinar will cover the following:

  • Stable and reproducible sample preparation of cells, biological fluids, and tissues for metabolomics
  • Essentials of chromatography theory and practice for high-resolution chromatography of metabolites
  • Strengths of the Orbitrap ID-X LC/MS for untargeted metabolomics
  • Basics of statistical data analysis of untargeted metabolomics data using Thermo Scientific™ Compound Discoverer™ software

Who should attend?

  • Research scientists in the metabolomics field, especially those who use mass spectrometry, including people who are new to the metabolomics field as well as experts who want to learn more about accurate and precise sample preparation, LC/MS experiments, and data analysis for untargeted metabolomics with the Orbitrap ID-X LC/MS.

The live webinar takes place on Friday, October 23 at:

  • 16:00 BST
  • 17:00 CEST
  • 11:00 EDT
  • 08:00 PDT

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