Explore Luna PFP(2) HPLC Columns, High Performance Silica-based Columns

15 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Take One Small Step and a Giant Leap in Performance

Luna® has found a place as one of the world’s top reversed phase columns because it provides a measurable improvement over many HPLC columns for two important chromatographic properties: resolution and peak shape.

Luna’s excellent performance is not simply the result of ultrapure metal-free silica (99.99% purity). Meticulous care is given to the quality control of surface smoothness, pore structure and pore consistency to ensure particles of uniform structure and enhanced mechanical strength.

The result:

• Free exposed silanols virtually eliminated by complete bonding and endcapping
• Sharp peak shape for good method sensitivity
• High column bed stability enhanced by particle shape uniformity

Explore Luna PFP(2), Discover Selectivity

Luna PFP(2) offers powerful selectivity not common with traditional alkyl phases (C18, C8). This new Luna chemistry incorporates a pentafluorophenylpropyl ligand bonded to Luna silica. Luna PFP(2) uses several selectivity mechanisms (hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole, and aromatic) in addition to hydrophobic interactions to greatly increase resolution of difficult compounds, including:

• Highly polar compounds
• Complex natural products
• Halogenated compounds
• Isomeric compounds
• Aromatic compounds

Pentaflourophenylpropyl Ligand of Luna PFP(2) (shown)

Because Luna PFP(2) uses ultra-pure Luna silica as a base particle and undergoes extensive treatment and quality control, batch reproducibility and column ruggedness is excellent.

Luna PFP(2) complements the Luna family of chemistries and offers many separation advantages, which makes it ideal to use in all column screening methods.

