Extensively tested and validated controls for RNAi

25 Apr 2006
Kerry Parker

QIAGEN® AllStars RNAi Controls are a comprehensive collection of extensively tested controls for every aspect of RNAi experiments in human, mouse, and rat. The collection includes transfection, positive, negative, reporter, downstream, and interferon controls. AllStars Negative Control siRNA is the most thoroughly tested and validated negative control siRNA currently available. QIAGEN AllStars RNAi Controls are easily accessible via a highly informative Web portal (www.qiagen.com/AllStars).

AllStars Negative Control siRNA is a nonsilencing siRNA which has no homology to any known mammalian gene. It has been verified to provide minimal nonspecific effects using genomewide expression analysis with Affymetrix® GeneChip® arrays and in a wide range of cell-based assays. Use of this validated control facilitates reliable interpretation of results from RNAi experiments.

Data from control experiments and more information about controls can be conveniently accessed at the QIAGEN AllStars Web portal. Most siRNA controls are available in 5 nmol and 20 nmol amounts and with a wide range of modification options. For more information about QIAGEN AllStars RNAi Controls, visit www.qiagen.com/AllStars .

