Fast and Efficient Mycoplasma Detection and Elimination

2 Nov 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

PromoCell now offers a range of cost-effective mycoplasma safety tools for detection and elimination of different mycoplasma species in cell culture. This includes highly sensitive and specific detection kits based on conventional or Real-Time PCR as well antibiotic and non-antibiotic reagents for complete and reliable elimination of mycoplasma contamination.

The PCR Mycoplasma Test Kits contain all reagents (including premium Taq polymerases and internal standards) required to perform convenient, rapid and reproducible conventional PCRs that can be analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis - or Real-Time PCRs using cyclers from different manufacturers. The kits can detect all mycoplasma species relevant for cell culture contamination (>20 mycoplasma species) and have a detection limit of less than 50 mycoplasma genomes per sample volume. Samples can be fast and easily prepared by boiling and centrifuging.

The Mycoplasma-EX and BIOMYC ready-to-use solutions are highly efficient resulting in a fast and complete elimination of mycoplasmas contaminating your cell culture – but do not harm your precious cells. Mycoplasma-EX Spray and Pharmacidal Spray that can be used to clean and disinfect laboratory surfaces and apparatuses complete our anti-mycoplasma arsenal.

