Fast Monosaccharide Analysis by UHPLC

4 Oct 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Ludger has announced the launch of a new system for the analysis of monosaccharides. The LudgerSep™ uR2 column is designed for use with the latest generation of UHPLC instruments capable of withstanding high flow pressures and fast sample analyses.

Ludger have optimised a gradient for analysis of 2AA labelled monosaccharides using this column, with run times of only 8 mins, so the time required for the analysis of 96 samples is less than 13 hrs. Solvent use is also reduced ten-fold compared to their standard HPLC run.

In order to take advantage of the high resolving power of sub 3 μm particle size containing columns, Ludger recommend keeping sample injection volumes below 5 μL and minimising system void volumes.

Release and labelling of monosaccharides can be performed using the LudgerTag™ monosaccharide release and labelling kit.

