Faster and more sensitive analysis with Shimadzu's GCMS-QP2010 Plus

12 Oct 2006

Shimadzu's latest instrument, the GCMS-QP2010 Plus, allows faster analysis while providing the highest quantitative and qualitative sensitivity available in a bench-top single quadrupole GCMS system.

The new instrument is ideal for rapid analysis of trace components in complex organic mixtures in wide-ranging applications, from forensics to environmental studies and food sciences.

The GCMS-QP2010 Plus features a high pressure flow controller that supports high speed analysis; modern 32-bit software for fast data collection and processing; rapid column oven heating and cooling; and a 10,000 amu/sec scan rate combined with up to 50 scans/sec in FullScan. The system's extended mass range of up to m/z 1090 offers outstanding flexibility for method development, both in GCMS mode and with its DI 2010 Direct Insertion Probe accessory. Its modified ion source and powerful differential turbo pumping system combine to increase the sensitivity by a factor of 2.5 and allow high column flows, providing exceptional trace level detection performance and enabling two separate columns to be simultaneously installed in the MS source.

The powerful and intelligent software of the GCMS-QP2010 Plus is fully GLP/GMP compliant, with security, audit trail, hardware/software verification and QA/QC functions, and includes a number of unique invaluable tools that accurately identify unknown compounds from complex samples, and quickly identify and quantify all compounds automatically after a column change - even one with different dimensions. The Fast Automated SIM/SCAN type (FASST) acquires both Scan and SIM data on a single run and combines them in a single file for a single report.

