febit First to Offer miRBase 11.0 Biochip

15 Apr 2008

febit today announced its newest miRNA Biochip based on the new miRBASE version 11.0 which has been released by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute yesterday. The new Geniom® Biochip opens up the most up-to-date scientific information for miRNA microarray experiments.

febit’s flexible Geniom Platform and Services give researchers in the field of genomics access to the latest version of miRBase. The Geniom Biochip can be used as a full service from febit or as a ready-to-go biochip for the new microarray analyzing device from febit, the Geniom RT Analyzer. The Geniom RT Analyzer recently launched in Europe and will be launched in the United States at the RNAi World Congress in Boston (May 1-2, 2008).

