First CE-marked NAD+ analysis kit to the market
28 Jun 2022
NADMED brings two kits to the market: Q-NADMED and Q-NAD. Q-NADMED is the first kit available for whole blood NAD+ and NADH analysis; the first CE-marked kit for NAD analysis; and the only EU IVDD compliant kit for NAD+ and NADH analysis from blood to enter the market.
NADMED technology is based on proprietary extraction and the individual measurement of NAD metabolites, allowing excellent accuracy comparable to mass spectrometry. Q-NAD kits use the same approach for the four NAD metabolites: NAD+, NADH, NADP, and NADPH.
The lack of a quick and reliable method has been a challenge for measuring NAD+, a molecule that is a major metabolism regulator. NADMED technology offers a unique, scalable, and cost-effective solution to extract all NAD metabolites and eliminate inaccuracies in the individual measuring process. This technology also saves time: While mass spectrometer analysis takes days, NADMED analysis is ready in four hours. Furthermore, NADMED brings the analysis accessible to laboratories without access to mass spectrometry, with only a fraction of mass spectrometer’s total costs.
"NADMED’s technology has been under rigorous development for the past three years, and now it’s come to fruition. We believe the NADMED method will advance science and medical practice by enabling larger and quicker clinical trials and, in due course, diagnostics. NAD measuring should be seen as a first-line diagnostic tool in the future to fight, for example, degenerative diseases and metabolic disorders," says Jari Närhi, CEO of NADMED Ltd.
Recent studies at Helsinki University show that patients with mitochondrial muscle disease had NAD deficiency detectable in blood and benefited remarkably from NAD booster treatment. "NAD analysis from blood is a very important new tool to detect NAD deficiency, find correct dosing of NAD boosters, and follow up the treatment," says Anu Suomalainen Wartiovaara, Academy Professor of Clinical Molecular Medicine at Helsinki University and a NADMED Ltd. co-founder.
NADs (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides) are coenzymes essential for metabolism, regulating hundreds of biochemical reactions in all our cells. NADs exist in four types — NAD+, NADH, NADP+, and NADPH — the ratios of which signal nutrient availability and cellular growth and repair in different cells and tissues. NADs are necessary for all living creatures — from the plant world to the animal kingdom.
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