Flexible new purchase method for Nonlinear Dynamics’ SameSpots technology

11 Jul 2007

Nonlinear Dynamics Ltd, a leading global provider of bioinformatics solutions, today announced a new flexible purchase option for their Progenesis SameSpots and Progenesis Stats software packages which have been redefining 2D image analysis. This new offering makes the technology accessible to a wider range of labs, and will suit those operating on lower budgets or on short term projects.

Scientists are being invited to purchase the software for a 3 month time period by licensing images for their experiments. Once the images are licensed, customers can perform the analysis at their convenience.

Nonlinear recognise that for labs moving to a new technology, validation of the approach is a key step. Progenesis SameSpots offers scientists such superior speed of analysis and ease of use that most labs can validate within 2 hours and implement the technology into their workflow with minimal effort.

Will Dracup, CEO, said, “When we demonstrate Progenesis SameSpots to most labs, they want to get their hands on the technology straight away – the impact is so huge. Nonlinear developed this purchase option so customers can get up and running immediately. Where a lab is waiting for funding, the money they invest in this offer is discounted off the final price.

“Many scientists want the flexibility of an affordable, low commitment offering which falls within reach of consumable budgets – this could be for smaller projects, pilot studies or for scientists considering a return to 2D.”
