
Fluorescent dyes and automated cell counters: Towards reliable nuclei quality in single cell genomics

29 Jan 2024

The accurate evaluation of nuclei quality is pivotal for single cell genomics research. Combining fluorescent dyes with imaging tools such as automated cell counters, provides an effective method to evaluate nuclei quality. With a myriad of fluorescent dyes available, choosing the optimal combination to assess nuclei quality is paramount to ensuring the reliability of results. Furthermore, given the advanced capabilities of modern automated cell counters like the LUNA-FX7™ and LUNA-FL™, there is an increasing necessity to understand how these systems perform when integrated with different fluorescent dyes. This application note from Logos Biosystems details a study that aims to identify the most effective dye combinations for nuclei quality assessment using different cell types, different systems, and nuclei fixation. Through comprehensive analysis, Logos Biosystems seeks to offer insights that streamline and enhance the accuracy of nuclei assessment procedures in single cell genomics research settings.

