Free multimedia guide for Karl Fischer titration available now!

8 Jan 2009
Regina Schlink
Manufacturing / Processing

What you always wanted to know about Karl Fischer titration …
Metrohm’s free multimedia guide is based on the installation manual of our new Karl Fischer titrator, the 870 KF Titrino plus. It draws on the comprehensive know-how of our specialists in KF titration and is intended for experienced staff and beginners alike. Plenty of video cutscenes and animated illustrations make watching the DVD a pleasure. Not only do you learn how to set up your KF titration cell correctly, but also how to use your KF standards.

Valuable tips and tricks straight from our lab
Getting difficult samples into the titration cell can be a challenge. Our specialists give you practical tips how to best add solid, liquid or viscous samples into the KF titration cell.

Become a Karl Fischer expert in no time!
Do you know the perfect pH for Karl Fischer titration? What’s the difference between a one- and a two-component reagent? The comprehensive glossary explains the basics of KF titration and the most frequently used terms. Don’t hesitate – ask your Metrohm sales representative for your free copy of the Metrohm multimedia guide for Karl Fischer titration today!

