FREE Webinar: Advanced GPC Technology for Solving Complex Polymer Problems

11 Nov 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Register for this FREE SelectScience webinar on November 25th 2014 to learn how the Waters ACQUITY Advanced Polymer (APC™) system enables improved characterization, especially for low molecular weight polymeric materials.

In today's world, polymers are found in just about everything, and their incredible diversity is driven by sustained innovation in polymer chemistry. The drive for new polymers presents analytical scientists with unique, complex measurement problems. Polymer samples contain a variety of polymer chains with different chain lengths and molecular weights. When synthesizing or analyzing polymers, these factors give an insight into the rheological properties of the polymeric material.

In this webinar, Scott D. Hanton (General Manager, Intertek Allentown), and Tanya Tollifson (Senior Marketing Manager, Waters Corporation), will discuss the advantages of APC technology over traditional GPC techniques; they will also highlight a wide range of applications areas including synthesis, regulatory and R&D analyses. The benefits include reduced analysis cycle time and lower molecular weight detection.

The webinar will take place on November 25th 2014 at 08:00 PST / 11:00 EST / 16:00 GMT / 15:00 CET. Register today!

