Free Webinar: Enhancing Reversed Phase Separations for Better Characterization of Protein Therapeutics

Dr. Davy Guillarme, University of Geneva, presents a high throughput, high resolution RPLC method for efficient separations of proteins

16 Feb 2018
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Do you find it challenging to achieve efficient separations of proteins using reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC), due to their size and complexity? Well, there is good news for anyone carrying out protein RPLC as our forthcoming expert webinar with leading analytical chemist Dr. Davy Guillarme, of the University of Geneva, and Waters R&D scientist Jennifer Nguyen will show.

New RPLC column technology has been developed that marries the benefits of a phenyl-based surface chemistry with the kinetic advantages of solid-core particles. From the capabilities afforded by these developments, higher-throughput, higher-resolution separations have been achieved with lower temperatures and lower levels of ion pairing. It has therefore been possible to minimize on-column degradation, facilitate MS-based peak identification, and thereby obtain higher fidelity data for detailing the heterogeneity of protein therapeutics, as can be highlighted with the development and application of new methods for the characterization of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs).

This webinar will explore:

  • The impact of column technology design on protein RPLC
  • Method development parameters
  • Strategies to improve throughput and resolution for protein characterization
  • All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, and a learning outcomes summary document for continuing education purposes.

Register now

This webinar takes place on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at:

  • 16:00 GMT
  • 17:00 CET
  • 08:00 PST
  • 11:00 EST

If you can't attend the webinar at this time, you can still register to catch up at a later date that suits you.

