Free Webinar — LC-MS Glycan Characterization Strategies

16 Nov 2016
Lucy Vass
Administrator / Office Personnel

In this free webinar, Dr David Firth, Senior Scientist at Convance, will give an informative lecture on characterizing glycans using LC-MS.

Therapeutic antibodies produced in mammalian expression systems typically exhibit two N-glycans in the CH2 domain of the Fc region. This glycosylation can modify Fc effector functions such as Fc receptor binding and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity and can have a dramatic influence on the efficacy of the product. In addition to Fc glycosylation, some recombinant mAbs exhibit Fab glycosylation, which can profoundly affect antigen binding.

In his lecture, Dr Firth will discuss LC-MS strategies which permit separate evaluation of Fc- and Fab-glycosylation such as middle-up and rapiFluor-MS released N-glycans.

The webinar will cover;

  • Product development and characterization strategies for connecting glycan structure to function
  • Integrated analytical workflows from sample preparation through informatics that help to streamline and simplify this type of work

This webinar is of especial interest to anyone looking to use LC-MS to analyze large molecules and is particularly essential for those researching and producing therapeutic antibodies.

Register now for the live event on November 21, 2016 at 16:00 GMT/08:00 PST/11:00 EST/17:00 CET

