
Freeman Technology introduces ‘real time’ bulk density measurement

9 Mar 2006

At ACHEMA 2006 (15-19 May 2006; Frankfurt, Germany) Freeman Technology will demonstrate a new capability for the FT4 Powder Rheometer – ‘real time’ bulk density measurement.

New software developments for the FT4 now make it possible to measure bulk density during the course of a test program. No additional hardware or instrumentation is needed. Subtle changes in bulk density that occur during repeat testing as the sample stabilizes are monitored precisely. This variable can now be measured easily as a function of, for example, degree of aeration/air flow rate.

These new software elements are easily incorporated into an existing user’s test program making this a valuable extension of the FT4’s capability. For new users, bulk density measurement will be provided as an integral part of the software package delivered with the instrument. As with all other FT4 test programs, bulk density measurement is fully automated.

Because the FT4 methodology is based on repeatable conditioning and consolidation processes it can be used to generate highly accurate and reproducible bulk density measurements. Dynamic studies of bulk density, under different test conditions, afford additional insight into powder behaviour and give processors more information about this critical parameter. Changes in bulk density resulting from consolidation, which have been widely linked with powder flowability, and from aeration, are expected to be of particular interest.

