Freeman Technology to Present on Powder Characterization for QbD at IChemE Event

13 Aug 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Freeman Technology will highlight recent advances in the use of the FT4 Powder Rheometer® for process development and optimization at the IChemE event ‘Measuring, Predicting and Understanding Product Quality in Particle Technology’, 19-20 September, BALTIC Centre, Gateshead, UK. Jamie Clayton, Operations Manager at Freeman Technology, will focus on pharmaceutical manufacture delivering a presentation explaining how the FT4 Powder Rheometer is helping with the implementation of QbD (Quality by Design). A poster detailing the use of powder rheometry in investigations of caking, an issue that is widely encountered in powder processing, will also be presented.

Across the pharmaceutical industry the FT4 Powder Rheometer is proving a valuable tool for QbD with researchers finding the dynamic powder properties that the instrument measures especially useful for fully scoping processes such as wet granulation and tableting. Jamie Clayton’s presentation, ‘The application of powder rheology in pharmaceutical Quality by Design (QbD) protocols’, illustrates how multifaceted powder characterization with the FT4 Powder Rheometer delivers the insight needed to optimize manufacturing processes.

The importance of dynamic testing is also illustrated in the Freeman Technology poster ‘Quantifying the effect of caking by powder rheometry’. This includes experimental data showing how the FT4 Powder Rheometer can be used to comprehensively assess the impact of moisture on powder products as a precursor to ensuring their cost efficient storage and processing.

