Fully Automated PCR / Ligation with On Deck Thermal Cycling - Coming Soon

22 Apr 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Fully automated PCR with INHECO’s brand new On Deck Thermal Cycler ODTC for endpoint PCR: the small thermal cycler can be integrated on the deck of all STAR Line liquid handling platforms such as the Hamilton PCR setup workstation, which allows for fully automated setup and execution of PCR assays without any user interaction.

- From nucleic acid extraction to PCR on one workstation: optionally the whole workflow from nucleic acid extraction to endpoint PCR can be automated e.g. by implementing the PCR setup workstation software (including sample normalization) and the ODTC on other Hamilton STAR Line workstations for nucleic acid extraction such as the chemagic STAR or the Genomic STARlet.
- Cloning, Ligation or primer binding steps that require precise thermal ramping and avoidance of evaporation loss are possible in a fully automated manner

- New PCR setup software for increased user convenience: the new version of the PCR setup workstation software convinces with increased user friendliness and resource saving performance for example with an improved PCR plate designer for quicker and more intuitive assay setup and the new “re-use assay” function for the simple re-use of routine protocols or LIMS integration.

