Fully Configurable LIMS for the Chemical, Petrochemical and Agrochemical Industries

10 Apr 2006
Kerry Parker

Matrix Gemini™ is a highly scaleable, off-the shelf LIMS that delivers the best of both Desktop Client and Web Worlds and is ideally suited for any laboratory in the Chemical, Petrochemical and Agrochemical Industries.

Matrix Gemini is the Worlds first fully configurable, COTS LIMS, and delivers an identical user experience no matter whether you use a LAN, WAN or the Web. As soon as any screen is designed using the unique OneTime Configuration Tools, it is immediately available via your network or over the web, without further modification, effort or cost!

Choose the connection to suit your situation and role; if you are out of your lab today, use the Web; back in your lab tomorrow, use a client on your LAN – Matrix does not mind! Just license the number of concurrent users that you need and connect whichever way is best for you.

Unlike other systems that have “bolt on” web pages, older legacy code and esoteric, proprietary scripting languages, Matrix Gemini is developed using pure Microsoft .NET tools to deliver a LIMS for the 21st century so that you can move ahead with confidence.

Matrix Gemini is:

. Better by Design
. Faster to Implement
. Easier to Use and Support

