GE Healthcare Launches Capto™ ImpRes Ion Exchangers for High Throughput and High Resolution Purification of Recombinant Proteins

27 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

GE Healthcare has extended its Capto™ platform to include Capto ImpRes ion exchange chromatography media for late-stage purification of a wide range of biomolecules. The first Capto ImpRes products to be launched are Capto SP ImpRes and Capto Q ImpRes, strong cation and strong anion exchangers, respectively, that enable high throughput, high resolution polishing, and flexibility in process design.

Capto ImpRes media are based on a rigid high-flow agarose matrix that allows the use of high flow rates and higher bed heights, providing biopharmaceutical manufacturers with the possibility to reduce cycle times and maintain or reduce column equipment footprint, thus contributing to driving improvements in process economics.

“The extension of the Capto platform with Capto ImpRes ion exchangers demonstrates our commitment to supporting biopharmaceutical manufacturers with the most modern tools to improve their processes in terms of throughput, productivity, and economy,” said Dr Nigel Darby, Vice President, Biotechnologies, GE Healthcare. “Capto ImpRes media have been designed to meet the throughput and high resolution needs of intermediate purification and polishing.”

Capto ImpRes media are available in several convenient formats, including Predictor™ 96-well filter plates and prepacked HiTrap™ and HiScreen™ columns to support all stages of biopharmaceutical development and manufacture. As part of the GE Healthcare BioProcess™ media platform, Capto ImpRes ion exchangers are manufactured under validated production methods, backed up with Regulatory Support Files, and have Secure Supply routines in place.

