Gel Documentation with Video Documentation

18 Feb 2008

In these days of routine, high throughput, analysis of DNA in particular, the use of video documentation has become increasingly important. Whatever the sample or method of visualisation, it is often desirable to keep a record of the analysis for future reference and/or analysis. This can be achieved with instant photography to produce a “hard copy” print of the illuminated gel and its visible bands. However, this method has been increasingly superseded by video documentation, which has two clear advantages:

  • Unlike with instant photography, a live video preview of the gel image can be seen prior to image “capture”.
  • The captured image can be saved as a computer file, which can be easily archived, printed when necessary and analysed, using suitable software.

Both of these advantages can increase the efficiency of many research and analytical laboratories and so the design of a gel documentation system should reflect not only the type of user and application, but also the number of users and the environment in which it is situated.

Progen Scientific Limited has built an impressive range of high quality gel documentation systems supplied from excellent suppliers with the latest supplied by UVItec whose range includes systems incorporating different levels of simplicity, portability, safety and robustness:

  • UVIsave - A stand-alone fluorescence system which is as simple as it is affordable.
  • UVIdoc - The all inclusive stand-alone fluorescence system for stand-alone with computer performance.
  • ESSENTIAL - Computer based fluorescence system designed as the system to fit your budget.
  • XPLORER - Computer based fluorescence system designed to be 'the best laboratory standard.
  • PLATINUM - Computer based fluorescence system with enhanced massive specification for highest performance.
  • UVIchemi - Dedicated chemiluminescence imaging system, super cooled for unrivalled sensitivity and unbeatable performance.
  • UVIprochemi - Versatile fluorescence and chemiluminescence imaging systems

We would like to invite all our customer old and new to find out more about the UVItec range of gel Documentation systems by visiting our website accessed via the article webpage.

