Gene Bridges and Covalys introduce the "Quick and Easy RNAi Rescue Kit"

3 Nov 2006

Gene Bridges GmbH and Covalys Biosciences AG announced today the launch of their first joint product, the "Quick and Easy RNAi Rescue Kit". This brandnew kit offers the opportunity to easily and quickly verify the specificity of knock-down effects mediated by RNAi.

To prove the specificity of any RNAi knock-down phenotype, the target gene in a form refractory to RNAi must be re-introduced into the cell to reverse the loss-of-function phenotype. Orthologous genes from closely related species contain enough sequence degeneracy over the targeted region that they are refractory to RNAi effects. Using murine bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) in human cells provides a reliable method to create RNAi-resistant transgenes and vice versa.
This is considered to be one of the best controls for specificity in any RNA interference experiment.

The special feature of this kit is that it allows you to fluorescently label any BAC without affecting gene expression from the BAC. BACs contain genes with their own promoters and regulatory sequences, ensuring that the expression levels are physiological and eliminating artifacts caused by artificial overexpression.

The SNAP-tag-cassette is introduced into the BAC backbone using the patented Red/ET recombination technology and its expression is independently driven by the CMV promoter. The subsequent detection of the expression of the fluorescence-linked SNAP protein allows the rapid assessment of transfection efficiency and selection for stable integration or transient expression of the BAC in transfected cells. This will permit to study, sort or focus on only the cells containing the BAC.

The kit contains a manual with protocols, maps and sequences and also comes with control experiments.

