Genewave to Launch HybLive™, a Fully Automated Real-time Microarray Platform, at AMT Conference in Barcelona

5 May 2008

Genewave S.A.S. today announced that it will introduce HybLive™, its fully automated microarray platform, at AMT Conference in Barcelona on May the 7th and 8th. HybLive™ combines hybridization, washing, melting and real-time fluorescence imaging in a compact benchtop package.

HybLive™ is the first open microarray platform allowing real-time measurement of the on-slide hybridization and melting of target molecules to thousands of probes simultaneously. It enables a variety of applications such as rapid verification and validation of probe design, environmental sample monitoring, multiplex on-chip melting curves determination, on-chip DNA and protein interaction studies... With its high sensitivity and excellent discriminative power, HybLive™ also enables reliable genotyping studies and even SNP discrimination using unamplified genomic DNA.

"We are proud to launch a new cutting-edge real-time microarray technology, the result of several years of research and development by Genewave’s dedicated team of physicists, engineers and molecular biologists", said Claude Weisbuch, PhD, co-founder of Genewave and Chief Scientist. “HybLive is an extremely versatile automated instrument allowing a range of microarray experiments unachievable with conventional end-point measurement tools. HybLive’s fully programmable process control combined to its real time monitoring of fluorescence signal enables easy and fast optimization of hybridization conditions or in silico probe design. Moreover the proprietary active mixing technology implemented in HybLive allows a significant reduction of hybridization time. This feature combined with the walk-away operation set-up results in important time and cost savings”, Weisbuch continued.

“A pre-launch presentation of HybLive real-time system at the Analytica Trade Fair last April in Munich attracted a lot of interest from visitors”, said Constantin Nelep, PhD, Business Development Manager of Genewave. “HybLive technology has been designed as a true open platform fully compatible with standard format microarray slides. Thus HybLive can be easily integrated into any microarray lab workflow used to handle their custom-printed arrays. Moreover HybLive with its automation, user-friendly interface and analysis software is an all-in-one solution for researchers looking for an easy access to microarray technology as custom or commercial arrays can be purchased from Genewave or other suppliers,” Nelep further explained.

The integration of the whole biochip workflow into one compact system goes towards the development of “one-touch” instruments for multiplexed diagnostics applications and routine analysis. “Right now HybLive technology allows Genewave to further develop its OEM offer for industrial customers, which was successfully started last year with the release of DiagArray OEM microarray readers”, Nelep said.

