Genomic applications of oligonucleotides

Explore LGC Biosearch Technologies’ range of bestselling CPG supports for genomic applications and key purchasing considerations

30 Jun 2023
Matthew Mcardle
Administrator / Office Personnel
Which solid support should you select for your oligo synthesis?

Considerations when selecting a controlled pore glass (CPG) solid support for genomic applications

Oligonucleotides have become an essential tool in modern genomics research, extending beyond their other roles in therapeutics and diagnostics. Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9, gene expression analysis, and mutagenesis assays are just a few examples of current genomic applications.

Controlled pore glass (CPG) is a preferred support matrix in solid-phase oligonucleotide synthesis due to its high loading capacity, efficient cleavage properties, and straightforward purification process. CPG-based synthesis allows for rapid and flexible oligonucleotide production, facilitating the expansion of genomic research to more diverse and complex applications. Solid support performance is therefore a significant factor in reducing oligonucleotide synthesis cost and ensuring a quality end-product.

LGC Biosearch Technologies’ CPG has been refined for maximum oligo purity and yield through advanced production techniques to optimise control of particle size and shape, pore size, pore volume and specific surface area. Following ISO 9001 quality manufacturing standards to deliver the most reliable, consistent products, Biosearch Technologies strives to provide its customers with the peace of mind that their products can be manufactured with minimal impurities and maximal levels of safety for consumers worldwide.

Biosearch Technologies’ CPG solid supports are available in a variety of pore sizes and functionalised nucleoside loadings. Six pore sizes are offered from 500 Å to 3000 Å to enable the synthesis of oligonucleotides for nearly any application.

To simplify the selection process for your application and help direct you towards the right CPG from the list below use our guided solid support finder >>

1000 Å CPG

1000 Å CPG is suited to synthesis of >35mers or for highly modified oligonucleotides. Most of our modifier CPGs are functionalised onto this pore size as standard.

 DNA 1000 Å CPG

Learn more Buy now RNA 1000 Å CPG

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2000/3000 Å CPG

2000 Å CPG offers the ability to synthesise longer oligos, whilst retaining higher loading (yield) possibilities of lower pore sizes. 2000 Å CPG is typically used in CRISPR applications. 3000 Å CPG is suited to longer oligos (>80mers). With a few exceptions, it is possible to order any of the Biosearch Technologies 1000 Å products with a 3000 Å pore size on a custom basis.

 DNA 2000/3000 Å CPG

Learn more Buy now RNA 2000/3000 Å CPG

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500 Å CPG

500 Å and 600 Å CPG is suited to ≤35mers in medium to large scale oligo synthesis, where high yields of product are required, such as for therapeutic oligos. 500 Å CPG can load up to ~100 μmol/g.


Learn more Buy now RNA 500 Å CPG

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