Good Morning Density with DMA 500

26 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Starting up the DMA 500 density and concentration meter makes for a good morning in the laboratory: The compact instrument is essentially ready to go once out of the box. This ease of use extends to the instrument’s entire operation – optionally even off the line, thanks to an integrated rechargeable battery.

The stand-alone DMA 500 density and concentration meter gives liquid analysis and quality control a strong spin towards simplicity, providing results with an accuracy of 0.001 g/cm3 at the push of a button. The basis for the instrument’s density determination is the oscillating U-tube measuring principle – renowned for its performance and applicability since first employed by Anton Paar in 1967.
Measurements with DMA 500 are safe against voltage fluctuations or power outages due to the instrument’s integrated rechargeable battery. The meter automatically switches to the battery-operated mode for up to 2 hours of off-the-line operation – or up to 6 hours, if the optionally available high-performance battery is employed. In any case, measurements can be continued as planned without losing data or time.

This uninterruptible power supply also gives way to liquid quality control off the line and outside traditional lab spaces, e.g. in mobile laboratories or near production lines and storage tanks. With a footprint of pocketbook size, DMA 500 is easily operated in often tight spaces like these.
DMA 500’s intuitive user interface allows single-hand operation within a few moments. Up to 20 freely configurable methods with different measuring units and temperatures can be stored in the instrument; users can choose from numerous pre-defined measuring units for the most important applications or simply customize their own output parameters. The instrument’s sample identification ensures full traceability of the measurement results. For instant identification, a bar code reader can be connected.

An essential strength of Anton Paar’s DMA density meters is their reliable filling concept. DMA 500’s FillingCheck™ feature alerts users in case of a filling error, and the U-View™ feature displays a live video feed of the measuring cell for visual inspection. For the highest level of secure filling a peristaltic pump to support bubble-free filling is optionally integrated. Measuring data are saved with the according U-View™ images of the measuring cell for later verification.

DMA 500 provides a wide range of communication options: Printing stored data on the optional Bluetooth printer or exporting data to a PC via Bluetooth or USB allow for fast and simple documentation. Firmware updates, custom functions and instrument backups are also conveniently transferred from or to external devices.

