Grace Davison Discovery Sciences to Feature VisionHT™ HPLC Column Platform at HPLC 2010

13 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Learn more about the VisionHT™ HPLC column platform for UHPLC, HPLC and Preparative LC for small molecules and Vydac® HPLC columns for large biomolecule separations. Technical presentations will also feature throughout the show, including 'Easy Method Transfer Using Sub 2µm to 10µm HPLC Media Platform.'

Grace is an established leader in silica chromatographic media and detector technologies for the life science, pharmaceutical, anesthesiology, forensic and biotechnology industries, including liquid chromatography columns, detectors, instruments, accessories, bulk media and purification systems.

VisionHT™ is a seamless media platform available in 1.5, 3, 5 and 10µm particle sizes in six different phase selectivity’s which span the full polarity spectrum. Identical base silica and bonding chemistries used across all particle diameters offer simple method transfer between UHPLC, HPLC and preparative systems. Through the combination of Sub2 µm technology and high throughput formats, VisionHT™ columns also enable increased productivity via faster separations, higher resolution and increased sensitivity. Now, separate complex samples with excellent resolution on any LC system.

Vydac® MS family of HPLC columns offer a new standard of excellence in reversed phase technology for large biomolecule separations. Vydac® MS delivers peak resolution, sensitivity and recovery for biomolecules. Based on specially treated large-pore silica, Vydac® MS separates more peptides in complex digests and exhibits lower protein adsorption. You’ll see sharp, symmetrical peaks without the need for TFA, thus improving MS sensitivity.

Technical presentations that will be presented at the show:
Poster Presentation-Monday: PP-910M Easy Method Transfer Using Sub 2µm to 10µm HPLC Media Platform.

To learn more, please visit us at booth 310.

