Grace Davison Discovery Sciences will Feature Award-Winning Reveleris® Flash Chromatography System with RevealX™ at Analytica 2010

17 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Grace’s Reveleris® system simplifies and improves purification by flash chromatography. The key is the proprietary RevealX™ detection technology that integrates multiple detector signals, utilizing advanced signal processing to recognize (detect) and collect components undetected by UV-based systems.

Multiple-channel UV and the proprietary evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) technology trigger sophisticated fraction collection, yielding more targeted samples with fewer impurities in less time. RevealX™ technology overcomes the limitations of UV-based detection, the standard detection offered for flash chromatography systems.

Grace will also feature our new VisionHT™ seamless media platform available in 1.5, 3, 5 and 10µm particle sizes in six different phase selectivity’s which span the full polarity spectrum. Identical base silica and bonding chemistries used across all particle diameters offer simple method transfer between UHPLC, HPLC and preparative systems. Through the combination of Sub2 µm technology and high throughput formats, VisionHT™ columns also enable increased productivity via faster separations, higher resolution and increased sensitivity. Now, separate complex samples with excellent resolution on any LC system.

Grace will also feature our new ModCol® Multipacker® preparative column packing stations. These allow the chromatographer to self pack our dynamic axial compression Spring® column hardware with any media in 1”, 2” and 4” diameter. The unique Spring® column design allows the column to be removed from the packing station and taken to an LC system whilst still remaining under axial compression, freeing the packer to prepare other columns. You can also ask for details of our comprehensive range of Davisil and Vydac media for use in your separation applications.

Grace will feature process chromatography column hardware from our partner company Peak Biotech. Column diameters are available from 100mm to 1.8m diameter together with a complete range of equipment needed to pack, run and clean these columns.

To learn more, please visit Hall A1 at booth 506.

