Hamamatsu Photonics Innovative Solutions for Drug Discovery

31 Aug 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Hamamatsu Photonics will be introducing at Drug Discovery 2009 the new FDSS7000 modular and versatile imaging based plate reader, the optimum tool for assay development and High Throughput Screening and the FDSS/RayCatcher, a novel bioluminescence and chemiluminescence imager for High Throughput Screening of large compound libraries.

The versatility of the FDSS7000 can be seen in features such as the new 1536 dispensing head, and the ability to run both fluorescent and flash luminescent assays in the same instrument. It can also run protocols for assay development and High Throughput Screening.

The FDSS/RayCatcher can measure 1536, 384, and 96 well plate formats and has been developed to meet the needs of investigators using bioluminescence and radioisotope assays. Research areas that can be studied using this system include enzyme assays, receptor binding and reporter gene assays.

Also on the show, the NanoZoomer Digital Pathology (NDP) System, with a new feature that allows the creation of multilevel virtual slides from whole glass slides.

The NanoZoomer is a virtual microscopy system, which uses an advanced scanning technology to digitise whole pathology slides at a resolution suitable for diagnostic purposes to create a virtual slide, which is also known as a digital slide. This new feature enables the NanoZoomer to scan tissue sections at different levels to create a virtual slide, which can be viewed at different focal planes. The operator can input the number of levels to be scanned and the distance between them or, for convenience, select from a pre-set number of levels and distances. Visit booth A1 to find out more.

