Handle tough and gentle applications with the new Cole-Parmer Ultrasonic Cleaners
5 Feb 2021
Control the ultrasonic power to clean a wide range of instruments with the new Cole-Parmer® Ultrasonic Cleaners.
Available in digital and analog series, both feature a pulse function for 20% increase in ultrasonic power for hard-to-remove soil and pastes and an adjustable temperature range from 30°C to 80°C in 5°C increments to accommodate sensitive items and instruments. A sweep function ensures uniform sound and power throughout the entire bath. With the latest in ultrasonic cleaning technology, these are ideal for the lab or on the process floor.
Along with the above features, the digital series come in six different sizes and feature seven convenient operating modes. Use the normal mode for mixing, dissolving, and dispersing samples, and a degas mode to quickly remove air from HPLC samples and solvents. The dual-selection power control allows the user to choose 37 kHz operation for standard and industrial applications or 80 kHz for smaller or more delicate cleaning needs. The pause function allows for temporary operation interruption, and auto-start mode will begin operation once the preselected temperature is reached. The cleaners can be set to operate continuously or in timed runs, from 1 to 30 minutes.
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