Healthcare Science Week celebrates biomedical profession

David Wells, CEO of the IBMS, discusses the Institute’s plans to ensure the future of biomedical science careers

11 Mar 2024
Will Thompson
Editorial Assistant
David Wells
David Wells, Chief Executive Officer, IBMS

Biomedical scientists make up a dedicated and passionate workforce that delivers highly accurate, clinical laboratory testing to vast networks of hospitals and clinical laboratories in the UK and beyond. During Healthcare Science Week, we explore how the profession of biomedical science is being protected by those that work within the field, with the publication of The Long Term Biomedical Scientist Workforce Plan.

“The true impact of modern advances in biomedical science is finally being understood at the governing level, but this understanding must be accompanied by a recognition of and investment into the biomedical scientist workforce so that we can continue enhancing our collective knowledge and improving outcomes for patients,” says David Wells, Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS). The IBMS is the leading professional body for the biomedical sciences, with a history spanning over 100 years and circa 20,000 members across 74 countries. Their mission is to promote the field and drive excellence in healthcare. We spoke to Wells about the IBMS’ plans to support the future of the biomedical science profession.

Healthcare Science Week

“The first initiative I want to discuss is Healthcare Science Week,” Wells explains. “Healthcare Science Week is a celebration of the vital contributions that healthcare scientists make to a wide range of disciplines. It's particularly important for biomedical scientists and their support staff, who are the unsung heroes of the laboratory and work tirelessly to provide essential diagnostic services. The week provides a valuable opportunity for the IBMS to shine a spotlight on the vital work and expertise of these heroes – and the profound difference they make in patient care. We also plan to use Healthcare Science Week to reach out to and inform young people about careers in biomedical science through our Become a Biomedical Scientist campaign1.”

The IBMS plays a crucial role in promoting Healthcare Science Week. “We support our members with resources, ideas, and a national platform to showcase their work, ultimately raising awareness of the biomedical science profession,” Wells says. “This visibility highlights the skill and dedication of our members – and their indispensable role in delivering accurate and timely diagnoses. This year, our members will also host Harvey’s Gang Laboratory Tours for young patients and their families2. The aim of these tours is to help children and their parents to gain a deeper understanding of how their samples are used, and to help children overcome fears regarding their treatment.”

Healthcare Science Week is a celebration of the vital contributions that healthcare scientists make to a wide range of disciplines.

David Wells, Chief Executive of the IBMS  

The Long Term Biomedical Scientist Workforce Plan

The second initiative is the Long Term Biomedical Scientist Workforce Plan3, which was formed in response to the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan. “To drive innovation, boost diagnostic capacity, and improve patient outcomes, it is imperative that we have a large and adaptable biomedical science workforce with the appropriate skills,” Wells explains. “It is with these aims in mind that we developed our plan. The plan is designed to ensure that the UK's biomedical science workforce – currently comprising around 27,000 registered scientists – will be prepared to meet the nation's evolving healthcare needs by providing them with support and opportunities to keep pace with their rapidly changing profession and the needs of patients. This will involve the faster adoption of cutting-edge technologies and increased innovation, ultimately highlighting the UK as a global leader in diagnostics. We published the details of this plan at the IBMS Congress in 2023.”

Laboratory managers and senior staff can contribute to the plan’s success by championing professional development, promoting career progression, and advocating more widely for the profession. In Wells’ words: “Senior members of the team will need to encourage ongoing education and skills development to nurture the next generation of emerging talent and enable progression for those working at the top of their license. Recognizing achievements and creating clear pathways for advancement in the lab is also crucial. The IBMS is working to create more career routes and qualifications for members, but managers will also need to play their part in promoting opportunity. Finally, engagement with policymakers and healthcare leaders will be crucial to advocate for the future needs of the profession.”

A bright future

The IBMS is committed to empowering members and advancing the biomedical sciences. “We understand that investing in the development of our workforce is investing in the health of our nation,” Wells says. “Helping people in the UK (from the public to top levels of government) to recognize the contributions of biomedical scientists and laboratory staff, will contribute to securing a brighter future for the profession and the patients we serve.”

The vast reach and opportunities available to the IBMS are a result of their members. If you believe in the mission but aren’t yet a member then you can join at IBMS. “We offer lots of wonderful benefits alongside a vast network of regional and national communities,” Wells explains. “We will support, progress, and promote your career in any way that we can.”


IBMS. Become a Biomedical Scientist: (Accessed March 2024).

IBMS. Harvey’s Gang Laboratory Tours: (Accessed March 2024).

IBMS. IBMS Long Term Workforce Plan: March 2024).

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