High Speed and High Accuracy from Jenway Performance pH Electrodes

6 Jan 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

New Jenway Performance pH electrodes, with inbuilt Platinum Plus reference systems, reduce analysis time through rapid equilibration when compared with conventional pH electrodes with AgCl reference systems, and increase the reproducibility of results following exposure to extremes of pH and temperature.

Two glass-bodied Performance pH electrodes join the highly regarded Jenway combination electrode range: a 12mm general purpose model and a 4.5mm semi-micro electrode with 90mm reach for small volume samples. Both performance electrodes are designed for laboratories demanding high levels of accuracy in their measurements of general solutions and biological samples containing Tris buffers. Both versions offer several important advantages when compared with conventional AgCl pH electrodes, ensuring one electrode can be used for virtually all applications.

According to Carl Warren, General Manager, Jenway, ‘Our UK-manufactured Performance pH electrodes enable accurate measurements to be recorded much more quickly. Equilibration time is relatively unaffected by changing temperatures, such as might be encountered in field applications. Similarly, faster response times in pH buffers allow for rapid calibration. With long-term drift significantly lowered, users of these new Jenway products can have increased confidence in their results, whilst analysis time is reduced.’

The general purpose model is recommended for a wide range of applications in industries including chemical production, environmental monitoring, food processing and pharmaceutical manufacturing. In addition, the semi-micro electrode is especially suited to the measurement of small volumes, typically <500μl, commonly required in biochemistry laboratories.
