Hoefer ULTima imaging systems – easy to use and simple to upgrade

22 Apr 2007

The Hoefer ULTima imaging platform, incorporating the latest advances in electronics and optics, provides a versatile, easy-to-use and readily upgradeable gel documentation system with superior dynamic range for applications in proteomics and genomics.

ULTima’s unique image positioning system uses patented optics to enable simple, accurate positioning with no loss of optical resolution and no need to open the cabinet or manually adjust a fragile gel. The slant-correction feature permits optical rotation of the sample by ± 5 degrees for optimum lane detection, without touching the gel.

Another major advantage of the range is that each of the four models – ULTima 10si, 16si, 16si Plus and Pro – is fully upgradeable to higher specifications as research needs change. The versatile ULTima offers true multi-fluorophore capabilities and supersensitivity, performing fast chemiluminescent imaging and faint-band fluorescent detection. The filter changer accommodates up to five filters, while an optional Optix epi-illumination module enables excitation of fluorophores within the VIS/NIR range.

According to Ramana Tadepalli, Director of Sales and Marketing, Hoefer, Inc., ‘ULTima is meeting a widespread need for an imaging system which is fast, highly resolving and easy to use for applications in life science, clinical, pharmaceutical, agro, veterinary and forensic labs. Being fully equipped for GLP validation and verification, ULTima provides the comprehensive results documentation and complete integrity of data required in drug discovery and genetic engineering research.’

