Horizon Technology, Inc. Announces a New Automated SVOC Extraction System

2 May 2017
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Horizon Technology is pleased to announce the introduction of the SPE-DEX® 5000 Extractor System for the extraction of semivolatile/nonvolatile organic compounds.

As commercial and municipal labs are pressured to provide higher productivity with fewer personnel, automated systems can help provide support for sample preparation. The SPE-DEX 5000 automates extraction of semivolatile/nonvolatile compounds from drinking water, wastewater, seawater and other types of liquid samples using solid phase extraction (SPE) disks. The entire process is computer controlled and can process a sample unattended with checks to assure that a sample is not lost.

“We believe our customers will be pleased with the reliability and minimal attention needed to operate the system.” says David Cross, Director of Engineering. “Disk solid phase extraction has been around for decades and is well-characterized, but this generation of automation may be just the approach that laboratories need to fully realize the benefits.” added Robert Johnson, CEO.

The SPE-DEX 5000 is used with DryDisk® extract drying, the DryVap® Evaporation system, and Atlantic® SPE Disks for a complete workflow approach.

