Horizon Technology, Inc. Announces a New Manual Manifold System for Solid Phase Extraction

7 May 2017
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Horizon Technology is pleased to announce the introduction of the SPE-Z Prep Manifold System for the extraction of semivolatile/nonvolatile organic compounds and Oil & Grease (hexane extractable material).

As commercial and municipal labs are pressured to provide higher productivity, Liquid-Liquid extraction becomes less attractive as a way to isolate analytes of interest from a water sample. The use of solid phase extraction (SPE) can help. The SPE-Z Prep manifold allows a laboratory to try SPE disks and to see if manual use of SPE disks is right for them or if a further step to automation is the right choice.

“The SPE-Z Prep System provides an easy and inexpensive way for laboratories to take the first step to using SPE Disks with little risk and high productivity”, says Lindsay Holcroft, Director of Sales. The SPE-Z Prep System allows the use of three disks of varying sizes to be used at once, including 90-mm holders for larger Oil & Grease disks.

A full line of Pacific® Oil & Grease and Atlantic® SPE disks are available for use with the system.

