Horizon Technology, Inc. Donates an Original SPE-DEX 4700 to the Chemical Heritage Foundation

1 Apr 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Horizon Technology, Inc. introduced the first solid phase extraction disk automation system to the world 20 years ago at Pittcon 1993. In honor of the event, at a cocktail reception held at the Chemical Heritage Foundation to celebrate the anniversary, Robert Johnson, CTO and Founder and Martha Johnson, Business Development and Founder, donated one of the original pre-production units of the SPE-DEX 4700 Disk Extraction units to the foundation archives. Dr. Peter Brown, CEO, said “Bob and Martha have set the company on a good path with an innovative start and careful guidance and we look forward to even more success in the next 20 years.” “What I enjoy most is advancing technology to help laboratories perform sample preparation more efficiently and I am already at work on the fifth generation of products.” contributed Bob Johnson. The artifact was accepted by Tom Tritton, president and CEO of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, after evaluation by the collection’s committee for historical significance and fit with the foundation goals.

