HPLC Solvent Recycler for Pure Efficiency

5 Jan 2006

In most isocratic HPLC systems much of the mobile phase can be recycled and reused. The New SolventTrak II from SMI-LabHut Ltd is a solvent conservation system designed to recycle uncontaminated solvents. This saves money by reducing solvent consumption and the need for solvent disposal.

SolventTrak II automatically detects eluting peaks and sends them to waste using an inert solvent diverter valve. All clean, uncontaminated solvent is sent back to the reservoir for reuse.

SolventTrak II incorporates a unique integration algorithm to accurately detect peaks in the eluent. This ensures all contaminants are eliminated, even if chromatography system conditions cause the baseline to drift up or down. No operator intervention is required at all.

An average solvent saving of around 90% is estimated and the system can pay for itself in as little as 60-90 days.

Each SolventTrak II is calibrated to a traceable NIST standard and includes a certificate of validation.

For more information contact SMI-Labhut Ltd.

