Human primary cell culture tools for COVID-19 research from PromoCell

The company is providing well-characterized and standardized human primary cells with matching specialty cell culture media

17 Jun 2020
Diane Li
Assistant Editor

As the global COVID-19 pandemic evolves, researchers worldwide are working hard to study the mechanisms underlying SARS-CoV-2 infection. Thanks to their discoveries, new insights for developing treatments, vaccines and diagnostic tools are being made possible. As a leading manufacturer of human primary cells and cell culture products, PromoCell is lending its expertise to support the efforts of researchers worldwide to study, understand and combat this new health threat.

During virus infection, the respiratory tract epithelium forms a physical barrier that pathogens encounter. Understanding this barrier is greatly enhanced by having well characterized and standardized cell culture models of the epithelium. The ability to model the different properties and functions of the respiratory tract in vitro is key to successfully translating research findings into real-world medical applications.

Cell lines are often derived from tumor tissue and display modified gene and protein expression patterns. Therefore, cell lines are unable to give true insight into how SARS-CoV-2 interacts with human tissue. Using human primary airway epithelial cells for infection studies allows researchers to study how the SARS-CoV-2 virus interacts with a natural host. This contrasts with studying the virus in cell lines, which are often derived from tumor tissue and display modified gene and protein expression patterns. Cell lines are therefore unable to give a true insight into how SARS-CoV-2 interacts with human tissue.

Advantages of using Human Primary Cells

  • A wide range of available donors give you access to primary cells from different genetic backgrounds and health status parameters (e.g. donors with COPD or asthma)
  • Access to cells from various tissue localizations (nasal, tracheal, bronchial, small airways)
  • A large stock inventory so you can plan multiple experiments using the same donor and media reagents

PromoCell is underlining its role as a dedicated supporter of scientific research and innovation by providing well-characterized and standardized human primary cells with matching specialty cell culture media. Alongside their portfolio of cell culture tools, their team of scientists are ready to lend a hand with every research need or questions regarding SARS and ACE2.

Leading virology labs around the globe rely on PromoCell products to develop new strategies in the fight against COVID-19, with recent publications from Pöhlmann (Göttingen, DE), Drosten (Charité, DE), Eils (Berlin Inst. of Health, DE), and Ingber (Boston, USA) provide key insights into this work and PromoCell’s role.

PromoCell also offers a wide range of antibodies, blocking peptides, and cell-based / drug screening assays for SARS and ACE2 research.

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