IBDL implements highly safe vacuum system for working with radioactive or viral contaminated solutions

7 May 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The VACUSAFE comfort from INTEGRA Biosciences is a highly safe vacuum system that has been specifically developed for easy and rapid handling of hazardous liquids.

The Industrial BioDevelopment Laboratory (IBDL) is a state of the art biologics teaching and research and development facility located within the University Health Network (UHN) which is Canada's largest hospital network, comprising a network of three teaching and research hospitals. The UHN's recently completed new research complex occupies 9 floors of the MaRS centre in the Toronto Medical Discovery Tower. Employing around 500 researchers, UHN is home to many research programs and laboratories focusing on specific disciplines and diseases.

Faced with increasingly stringent safety guidelines in terms of handling contaminated solutions the IBDL elected to implement VACUSAFE comfort units throughout their laboratories as the system demonstrated its ability to ensure user safety and maximise productivity while minimising noise and operational inconveniences.

Andre Siegel, Manager of the IBDL, said "VACUSAFE was our product of choice as it is quiet in operation and convenient in use, it does what it is supposed to do reliably day-in, day-out". He added "It is one of the most practical products to come on the market in the last few years. We have purchased over a dozen units after initially evaluating the device against competitive technologies".

The new generation VACUSAFE comfort is designed for aspiration, disposal or filtration of biological /chemical liquids in a clean and professional way. All required functionality is integrated in a compact design and ready to use at the push of one button only.

Until now, aspiration and disposal applications required noisy, complicated and incompatible 'home made' systems or were connected directly to the laboratory vacuum system, risking contaminating the entire vacuum system. The VACUSAFE comfort eliminates all these disadvantages and is an easy and convenient tool.

